Working Groups
Upcoming Events
Oahu Monthly Permaculture Design Course - 2016
10/24/15: Class, "How to Grow Sprouts"
8/6/15: Transition Oahu/Oahu TimeBank Plant Based Potluck
Once a month, 6 weekend Permaculture Design Certificate Course, begins 3/21/15
1/22/15: Movie Cowspiracy at the Capitol
Calendar - Archived Items
ShareFest Honolulu
11/27/14: Thanksgiving Day Potluck
11/13/14: Movie - Cowspiracy
7/10/14: Potluck & Bicycling Presentation
Waimanalo Permaculture Design Course 2014
5/15/14: Potluck and Sharefest planning
4/8/14: In Transition 2.0 Screening at the Capitol
3/13/14: Potluck & Movie, Time As Money
Oahu Permaculture Design Course - Winter 2014
1/16/14: Movie: In Transition 2.0 & Potluck
11/28/13: Thanksgiving Potluck
9/12/13: Move & Potluck: Money & Life
8/5 - 8/18 Permaculture Design Course, Waimanalo
7/11/13: Movie & Potluck, Permaculture in the Tropics and Discussion with Matt Lynch
Contact Us
Events Calendar
The events we include may or may not be sponsored by Transition Oahu but all are consistent with our goals.