Thursday, January 19, 2012, 7pm at Peace Cafe, 2239 S. King St., Honolulu
Geoff Lawton presents simple solutions to complex problems -- low tech solutions you can do yourself like how to harvest rainwater and feed it to a series of cascading water features that collect your grey water and help feed productive fruit trees and animals.
See how nutrient flows can be directed creatively to feed a small backyard food hedge. Those interconnections are not very apparent to many people but here, Geoff spells out those micro-connections that many people just do not understand.
As Geoff likes to say, many people are switched onto their ipods and and internet techno-wizardry. Capable of Tweeting and Face-booking the latest craze, most are totally out of depth when it comes to understanding the intricate relationship of nature and ecology just outside their bedroom window. It's into this outdoor space that people need to reconnect and switch on, in order to live sustainably with minimal impact on the world around them.
Some items covered:
Mini Swales
Food Hedges
Water tanks
Vertical Gardens
Grey water reed beds
Animal Systems (Quail, Ducks, Chickens, Rabbits)
School gardens
Swimming pools
Worm Towers
Wicking Beds
Compost tumblers
Medicinal Herbs
Rocket stoves
Spiral Herb Gardens